Sunday 7 December 2008

Realisations that may come with room cleaning

It was a quiet day. Not wanting to do much, I opted to listen to my mom and help with cleaning my room. It wasn't one of those regular cleaning sessions, but a more significant one; where you have to pull out things from down under the bed and sort them out types...
So the drawers, cabinets were all to be stacked a more organized way, disposing all that junk that had been accumulated in the name of souvenirs, old photos, letters, diaries, and what not! The so-called junk brought back a lot of memories of childhood. There were paintings and amateur portfolios of my sister's fashion designing hobby.Folded and crumbled letters from cousins back home. A whole folder of 'insightful' articles from tabloid. An egg shell painted like a face and black thread stuck to it for the hair. My English grammar assignments. School bus transport identity cards. And of course old diaries.
Some things just bring a smile to your face, reminding you of childhood activities. And of your obsession with collecting a junkyard of little nothings. But a lot reminded me today of the dreams that we had as little kids. The hobbies that shaped some of them. I had to throw out a lot of the things that we forgot about while accumulating them in the hope of bringing it to productive use some day. It reminded me not of how soon time passes by but of how soon our big dreams fade away only to be forgotten one day. It reminded me not of how fast we grow up but of how life kills some of your best aspirations while growing up. It reminded me not of our favorite pastimes but of how some events in life could take that away from us.
At times like these, we don't enjoy the pace at which life takes us to destinations unknown or unwanted. It made me wish going back to being a child, not because it generally is blissful being one, but coz I wanted to go back and live those dreams that were left incomplete. But this time it wasn't really mine but someone else's.

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