Saturday 17 January 2009

Weekend bliss

The end of another weekend...and comes back that same awkward feeling. There's a hesitation that is inexplicable, at the same time there is a feeling of restlessness...Damn its the same ol' dreaded feeling of going back to work! Yuck....
Especially when you're one of those who have nothing to look forward to at work...same monotony, and a busy Sunday (for those living in the ME), and the same urge-to-do-aargghh!
Some weekends really feel blissful, some when you maybe on your own, not wanting to do much, but just enjoy the slow pace of the day, not running about getting things done, sitting back peacefully.....
For me it continues till I get off the company vehicle in the morning....for before that the 45 min. long ride to the office is a nice cozy one. Listening to your fave music and dozing off to sleep...those few more winks of sleep I really look forward to. And what is even more satisfying is, when you wake up in between, and see that you still have a long way to go....
But then when the vehicle does stop for us to get down, its a different stop, not like the one when it stops at the signal. Somehow it shakes everybody up from sleep and we know that we've reached....that slow dreaded feeling crawls back in....
Well, work is not what I should be complaining about, considering I'm one of those thanking my stars for still having a job....yeah being at work is also a feeling of bliss at the moment...but i still hate Sundays....except the ones which are public holidays!

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