Saturday 8 November 2008


It's my first blog and of course, I dont know what to write about! But I can still write something at the same time, that's what I like about the randomness of writing...there's something random about everything...... favorite word....I want to meet whoever came up with it! Its one word that you can take refuge of when you're head doesn't work and you fail to think of creative adjectives to describe a thing (that happens a lot with me). So when someone asks you something like.....well what do you write about....umm..nothin really....anything random! or why do you look so lost....what r u thinking of?? you dont really wanna say wht you were thinkin of for the fear of the other person taking you as someone retarded...but ya you can go like...well ..nothing specific..just random thoughts...and that closes the luv you!
So why did i create this blog....there maybe quite a few reasons. One, to make sure that I dont lose touch with writing, someone told me, when you kno ppl are following your blog, that tends to motivate you to write more, which makes sense to me.
two, it was a random thought, I was browsing, and just thought why not give it a shot!
well, those two are enough, i dont think its so necessary for me to think over the reasons for my blog, there are a lot of thoughts which zoom past your head in the 24 hour day, but so many are forgotten coz we cant pen them down. I was always reluctant to create a blog in the beginning, bcoz i wasnt sure if i wanted ppl to read about what i thought of everyday, or not even sure of whether i would be able to confidently write about it in the first place. but anywho, its fine, as long as i can write some of it in the beginning and start to feel confident about it later.... this one was just to give me a kickstart, the post may not make much sense, but i had to start somewher, from random to why i wanna blog, and yeah this is a very random what its ok!

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