Thursday 12 February 2009

Back to Square zero

It wasn't a really eventful Thursday. It was rather a depressing one. One of those days that brings you bang face to face with reality. So it started off with my meeting with a guy who runs an ad agency...something I'd been looking forward to all week. Of all the days, today I had to sleep more than required and obviously I ended up running late, but thankfully it was only by a difference of 5 mins. Anyways that sorted, we had a discussion regarding my much-spoken-about and not-even-a-trifle-built career in advertising. What we began with, we ended at. Well, what to do, the timing of things has been so wrong lately. Or maybe its been right...I don't know and don't want to even assume. Anyways the interesting bits were, he took me around the agency, gave me a glimpse of how it feels like to be working there, the atmosphere, the WORK (great campaigns, ads, designs), and awards etc. It was a great place, nice and bright, a sort of excitement in the air, a sort of comfort as well. Yes all this wasnt bad at all. The uneventful part is the crux of the whole thing, which obviously has been the same all along. But coming home and realizing what you've been waiting for for the past year or so, the things that you've been looking forward to may never happen is not all that happening. I was feeling miserable on the journey back home and unfortunately thanks to the now-rapidly-picking-up traffice of Dubai, it was a long one.
Ok so am going to stop my story here, primarily because I don't want to dwell over this anymore than I already have. The rest of the day was of half-hearted shopping for a gift and of course of sinfully killing the hunger that pounds on the insides of your stomach after every shopping experience. ( I should replace the word 'shopping' with 'checking out stuff and finally picking up something' ) About shopping, there's one thing thats really true, at least with me. The last half hour or one hour (depends on how much time you've devoted to shopping), is the most productive. Isn't that weird, why do I find all the best things just when I'm going to give up all hope and tag the place as good for nothing! Or maybe its just psychological to look for better things keeping higher expectations in the beginnning but when all else fails you (or I for that matter) start noticing things that didn't look that exciting before. Anyway who cares as long as you get something!

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