Saturday 7 February 2009

Yeah so I have changed the title of my blog....because thats whats happening with my life at the moment! Its like a long wait...for what I can't really gather, its a lot of things.
But I'm not over with the problem of the T junction. Like i had feared, my decisiveness reflected in my last entry on my blog has bee waning away in the past few days. Of course I'm doubting I would prolly have to go for that turn which is not really what my heart wants....but like always...its the frickin 'smart choice' that I have to make!
I don't know why this has to happen all the time....I cant even say that the timing of events has been wrong in my life. It has been right on time...but still it just doesn't seem to fit right. Or maybe I'm at a constant rebellion with my life and have taken a silent oath to perpetually sulk! Whatever it is, I'm in a dilemma or rather knowing that things won't work the way I want them to, I would describe it as a feeling of helplessness and a tide of silent fury that wants to become violent at times!
On one hand, i just dont wanna complain and crib with whatevers happening, because things are not as bad as they are with other people (U know i'm talking about the goddamned recession) I hate even mentioning it coz I think i'm tired of hearing that word! But yes, people are in a mess and what's worse, nobody knows when they'll be able to get out of it! I think everybody who is not in so much of a mess, should thank God at the moment. That's the least you can do (look who's talking!) But you know, humans are born least most of them! They love to criticize their situation coz prolly thats one thing they're good at! And I'm human after all......(that's my phrase-that-takes-some-blame-off-you.....and you have to keep it for the end!):P:P

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